Take Up Space

Let people hear you
About Us

We believe in the power of dialogue, equality, and sharing personal stories to create positive change.

Welcome to Yasmin Kollektiv, where we use podcast to create a better understanding of each other.

Come join us
In Yasmin Kollektiv, we focus on the medium podcast in and with people from West Asia and North Africa. However, our engagement goes far beyond that.
We use Podcasting as a tool to reshape and rethink development cooperation. ​
We show solidarity with our cooperation partners abroad and support them in their feminist and social endeavour.
In Germany, we see our mission in anti-racist work and giving a platform to marginalized groups in our society.
Our Voices
The Podcast School
Podcast Workshops
Podcasting As Activism
Mushtarak PodFest
Want to make a difference?

Help us raise money for our cause.

Our partners
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