Podcasting As Activism

We were asked by the association grenzgaenge to become part of the move digital project. This aims to give young people the space to learn and try out political tools. Our contribution is a special episode in which we discuss the political potential of podcast productions.
If your own experiences, thoughts and adventures are not reflected in the newspaper, radio or television, you have to report them yourself. That's how Svenja and Carlotta felt. Together with others who are well versed in the regions of North Africa and West Asia, they started the Middle East podcast. Tired of reporting on crises, wars and conflicts, in their podcast they also talk about all the other events that characterise these regions. From ‘Fridays for Future’ in Lebanon to renewable energies in Morocco.
The two explain step by step how to make your own podcast in their article.
There are also important tips in the links.
What would you like to report on?

More about the Move project and its toolbox to get active on grenzgaenge association website.

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