We can do this? Or what arriving after 2015 can mean
I lived in Syria for six years under war conditions. But fleeing your home country and going to another country is no less difficult than the war at home.
Tells us Syrian-Kurdish Seyran, who arrived in Bamberg in 2018. 2015 is considered the year of the big arrival in Germany. But migration is not a new phenomenon and people will always migrate, especially with all the social inequalities and conflicts in the world, from which Europe often benefits economically.
But how do the different parts of society deal with the new arrivals? Have institutional and social structures improved since 2015? What is the relationship between compliance with rules and individual decisions? And what can each individual person contribute to making this world more humane? Seyran gives us a few insights into arriving after 2015 and all the challenges and reactions in a personal and impressive way.